Thursday, May 24, 2018

Wildflowers of Yercaud

I need help in identifying these little beauties that dotted the paths and undergrowth, on the slopes of the Yercaud range. I enjoyed looking for them.

The untrodden areas were covered with these little white stars.
A close-up of the same flower
Common Floss flowers (I think)was also common, especially in the more moist patches, on the banks of streams.

I have no idea what this dramatic spiky ball is!

Little Glories - so small that one could miss them entirely.

Common wood sorrel was everywhere.  This is puliyarai (Tamil) or khatti bhaj (Hindi),
huli soppu (Kannada), is eaten raw and is good for health.

Looks like jasmine doesn't it? Id needed.

Pink rain lilies!

Another unidentified beauty

I found this in more rocky areas.

Jamaican Blue Spikes were always humming with little bees and insects.

Morning Glory, indeed!

Apona Shevaroyensis

April/May 2018

This large brown moth was seen every night at the Yercaud Youreka camp. Attracted by the lights of the dining hall, they would come and sit on the rafters, as also rest on the floor. Unfortunately, the ambient light was poor and I had only my phone camera to depend upon.

The moth was a light brown, with hairy antlers and was around 12-15 cms wingspan.  It was slow and clumsy.

I went through Ryan Brook's amazing collection of moth pictures on Flickr, and have made a tentative guess.

Tentative id is Eupterote geminata

If it is a correct id, then this moth is seen ony in India and Sri Lanka, and was identified by someone called Walker in 1855!!

Update - 2022 - Thanks Sagarika.  Looks like Apona-shevaroyensis.  I will update the id.

Viraali - The Sand Olive or Sticky Hopbush tree

Dodonea angustifolia - An evergreen shrub that grows in rocky outcrops

I was fascinated by the gloss of its leaves. 
I would always find a butterfly or bee hovering around. 
It is used for firewood and for small implements, but is also good as a bee forage and for stabilising and reducing erosion.

A different purple - in the hills of Yercaud

April 2018

The hills were alive
with the colours of the Crepe Myrtle.
Pride of India.


The Jacarandas and Petreas of Yercaud town - a photo post

April 2018

Yercaud town was aflame in purple. Every estate, every street, around the lake, across the valley. Fallen flowers on the road, boughs laden with flowers in eye view....



Carnelian Day One - Ahmedabad and Sarkhej Roza

21st February It had been a stressful week - with my dear ma in law in hospital and project reports needing to go.  There was very much a ...