Monday, April 7, 2008

Golden oriole!

This Golden Oriole came visiting - to the Neem tree outside my second favourite window. (If you remember, my most favourite window is the one with the view of the Millingtonia.)

I was at work, on my computer, when its sweet call caught my ear, I looked up to see it sitting there! Lovely bird isnt it?

I hurried off to get my binoculars, and grabbed the only camera at hand then, and came up with these two grainy pictures!

It has a striking streak of black around the eyes, and this male bird that I saw has black on the wings. The female, which I have not seen, is supposedly a duller colour without this much black styling.

Salim Ali has a lovely description of its nest - "A beautifully woven deep cup of grass and bast fibres bound with cobweb, supsended hammock-wise in the fork of a leafy twig, 4-10m up". Lets hope I come across one some time, as the eggs are spotted as well.

New age birds these. Papa and mama share all domestic duties!


  1. What a darling this beauty is. Visits us occasionally -- not as often as I'd like. Thanks for giving me a chance to see him!

  2. beautiful orioles are! Ive only seen them in photographs! :( thanks for sharing


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