Thursday, June 21, 2012

Koel season again

The Ko-el crescendoes last year, inspired me to rhyme.  It's that time of the year again.  Koel breeding time, and the black male birds call out in their what sounds like a desperate bid to woo their mate!

We can vouch for a rise in the Asian Koel population.  Morning and evening, we hear them, tirelessly calling.

But what has been different this year, according to me, is that they seem to be more "bold" than before.  In the past, it would be difficult to spot them, as they called from well-leafed trees, hidden in the canopy.

This last week however, we have seen this chap, in full view of all, calling from the bare branches of the Indian Ash, in my neighbour's garden.  The Indian Ash (Lannea coramandelica) goes through many an avatar.  Post-mosoon, it is full of leaf, and the tree resembles a teenager with overgrown hair!

Lannea in full leaf, post-monsoon.
Lannea in flower!  March/April

In spring or early summer, it looks like this, strings of amber flowers.

Then, it sheds all its leaves through the summer, and looks quite bare.  It is on this bare tree, that this koel sits and sings these days.

He is so regular this last fortnight, that I am tempted to give him a name.

And the lady koel...sometimes I feel she is fed up with his song, as she seemingly flees from one tree going, kr-kr-kr-kr-kr!!  Or is that a "come hither" call?!


  1. The elusive Koel is out in the open this year ! Both pics of the tree are awesome.

    1. Mr Ramakrishnan, thank you. Actually the post was about the video with the koel calling!!

      It seems to have not got uploaded. I have uploaded it once more.

  2. I saw the video now and the beautiful call of the Koel ! I agree the chap is a lot bolder than others of his tribe:)
    How about visiting my blog and leaving your impressions !

  3. Yes Ambika I too noticed that the koel is much more visible or easily spotted this year. I thought it was maybe because the tree cover is reducing, so it has fewer places to hide!! So its become bolder!!
    Will chk the video.
    Also the Lannea with the flowers looks like its weeping - is that why its called ash tree? Or is it just my association of ideas?!
    The tree pix are beautiful.


eBird -- India international centre -- 26 Jan 2025

India international centre 26 Jan 2025 5:48 PM Incidental All birds reported? No Comments: Morning was sunny and bright. Submitted fro...