Tuesday, January 2, 2018

GW Pelican?

eBird India Checklist – Sholinganallur/Perumbakkam Marsh, Kancheepuram County, Tamil Nadu, IN – Sun Dec 31, 2017 – 74 species

Great White Pelican Pelecanus onocrotalusA single bird was actively feeding along with a huge flock of Spot-billed Pelicans. Initially looked good for a Great White Pelican, but on closer look, got a bit confused because of the orange skin (usually pink) around eye which extends to the bulged forehead. Later, we could find some similar looking GWP images in the net.
Looks like there are some aberrations in GW Pelicans and ours is such an aberrant individual.
We saw the bird around 6.50am, observed it closely for around 10 minutes, but then it just vanished!

There are some detailed pictures posted on e-bird, at the link.

Moral of the story:  Look at every bird in a flock, from now on!

1 comment:

  1. Moral is the mantra isnt it :) I have been thinking of visiting shollinganallur for few weeks now Sigh !!


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