Saturday, May 9, 2020

Lockdown Diaries - Changing colours, trading places

White blooms at dusk
Light pink the next day
And flaming red thereafter,

the Rangoon malli always fascinated me, from my childhood.
How could this plant have flowers of so many hues?

Upright buds
Drooping blooms
I admired them this morning
once again
as I sought refuge
in my mother's garden, 
following the tailor bird
that called to me from within.

Combretum indicum, aka Quisqualis indica aka Rangoon creeper aka Rangoon malli


A Peregrine and Woodpeckers - a nice start for my birding year

 Jan 1st Ebird list with Vismaya, the peregrine. E-bird list with the Flamebacks I have not been birding much this last fortnight of Decembe...