Monday, March 13, 2023

A spring morning in Delhi

 For amma.

Spring in Delhi is a wonderful time.  There was a nip in the air as I went for a morning walk in the Kailash colony area.  

The bottle brush was brilliant red, 

the boughs heavy with flowers.  My mother's garden has this tree as well.

But it was the Bombax - Silk cotton tree - that stole my heart and filled me with amazement and awe.  Nature's Ikebana, effortlessly balanced and poised.

The buttress roots, magnificent

the outstretched branches, graceful

the fallen flowers, poignant

and the blossoms on the tree, just spectacular.

The tree was abuzz with activity - crows, mynas, doves, parakeets, sunbirds, bulbuls, and many bees as well.

Memories of Assam mornings.  Memories of  laburnum yellows in summer.

Hollyocks - from my Delhi childhood

Petunia beds in profusion

Yellow Nasturtium from South America

And was that a Persian Lilac in bloom?

Collared doves going for a walk

A spread of daisies, past their prime, but still so pretty.

The native Curtain Creeper, which we had in our previous garden.

Work travel does bring pleasures and delights.


A Peregrine and Woodpeckers - a nice start for my birding year

 Jan 1st Ebird list with Vismaya, the peregrine. E-bird list with the Flamebacks I have not been birding much this last fortnight of Decembe...