Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Day 3 - The moths on lace - at Sally Lake

 Oct 3rd 2022

After the avian-dry morning at Jia grasslands, the consensus was for tea at Sally Lake again!

Sally Lake had something besides the tea, we discovered.  The dining room curtains were full of resting moths.

Here are the pictures which I shall identify by and by on iNat.

The LesserAtlas Moth?

This one at Yatri Nivas

Excited by this, Yuvan successfully pleased for a night moth session at Sally Lake and we went back later that night, armed with the bulb, put outside the wall on the side of the building.

After wandering around for a while, we returned to find more cicadas than moths.

As we stood and chatted, Vijay and Yuvan found the local manager very interested and intrigued with what was happening, and wondered why we were interested in these little "pests" that fall into the food and are a general nuisance.  At the end of the chat, he was quite convinced and decided he wouldn't treat them as pests and attempt not to kill them. Mission accomplished wouldn't you say?

1 comment:

  1. Yes, a big step, to change pest to beings with some value.


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