Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Sun, cloud, sea and me

It was one of those days - everything seemed wrong - sinkholes on Mount Road, Ripon building falling apart, smog mask on my niece in Delhi, non-stop drilling for the last one month in a neighbouring apartment, real estate dealings that frustrate, ridiculous political fuss over a movie, power failure accompanied by an EB man on top of the transformer with what seemed as utter disregard to safety - and I was ready to move out of the city; and country for that matter.

While I seriously reviewed New Zealand, Scotland, Canada and Scotland, my more sensible husband gently suggested that I go for a walk.  I needed the exercise he said, the fresh air would do me good, he said.  (I think he just wanted me and my ranting out of the house.)  And so I went.

Oh Madras, all is forgiven.

The clouds caught the light of the setting sun and magically transformed the waters into gold and orange.  

In a minute, it was gone.
A minute that filled me with so much awe, delight and elation.
I am so lucky.

And today morning, it was a silvery sea.  A black and white portrait, ever changing, as the clouds scudded by with the strong breezes from the north.
Blue skies ever since,
Peace at home.
A relieved husband.

Carnelian Day 3 - Rani ki Wow it was

 23rd Feb 2025 - Patan Continued from here.   Once again, we needed to check out by 8am and head for breakfast.  We were ready early and dec...