Showing posts with label OMR tree park. Show all posts
Showing posts with label OMR tree park. Show all posts

Friday, September 13, 2024

Greeted by a peacock!

eBird Checklist - 13 Sep 2024 - TTUF Nizhal - 11 species

Finally after many a month I walked over to Nizhal's TTUF today morning.

Crossing the canal, filled with water hyacinth and a whole flock of cattle get, with many in breeding plumage.  

As I stood and watched, a drongo swooped and picked an insect on the move.  On the right bank, a mongoose moved purposefully through the undergrowth.  A white-throated kingfisher, a flash of blue and a rattling call.

I was happy to see the trees all grown and green!  The Crepe Myrtles and Arjuna's were in fruit, the Palash was in abundant green as also the Garlic Pear tree - in March, it was in flower. the Mimusops was in fruit.  Has it been so long since I visited?

17th March 2024 - Crateva adinsonii - had dropped all its leaves, and a few flowers stood out, in full glory.

As Chitra and I walked along, a dog strolled past, followed by a peacock, if you please, - moving like a ballet dancer lightly and 'springily' into the far foliage.

Quite appropriately, the peacock flowers were in bloom

Looks like the park has an active night life - and I do not mean the snakes and other creature - which one would think would be a deterrent - but it appears not - Lust overcomes such fears I guess.

Thursday, June 30, 2022

Greeted by Guazuma!

 26th June 2022

I visited the Nizhal OMR Tree Park after ages.  In my absence, I heard that Urbaser had helped clean the place of plastic and there had been clearing of the subabuls and undergrowth by a machine.

How different the park looked!  The trees stood out, tall and happy, and the Guazuma was ablaze with flowers.

The picture does no justice to the sight that greeted me and filled my heart with delight.

Exotic or not, the tree was resplendent, its branches sweeping all the way to the ground, each bough laden with flowers.  Thenpuchimaram (as it is called in Tamil)  was also buzzing with active pollinators.

The flowers with their pink stamens - fooled Rashmi into thinking this was an overgrown Lantana!  The leaves are hairy, and they are a good trap for dust - quite ideal for our city.

The berries are like rudraksha beads aren't they?

I happily wandered up and down the central path with tool in hand, looking at new leaves, hovering pantalas, screeching parakeets and the little Glory vines with flowers.  One of the obsessions of the Nizhal team is the "bio-fence".  This a green fence being nurtured assiduously by the whole team, and contain two types of plants - one which looks like karvepillai and the other that has these little little glossy leaves.

Now the soil near the border of the plot is probably the worst - rocky, hard, filled with plastic dumped across the wire fence and really those poor little saplings have had a hard time to grow.

June of '21, they played host to these caterpillars. As I loosened the soil around the plants, I let these caterpillars be.

These first instars of the Common Lime needed to be nurtured too.  

And now a year later, those same little caterpillar eaten karvepille like plants have grown 
 and were even flowering!

I was rather delighted at their progress.  Many of them had tendrils of the glory vine curling around their stem.  Now, those I did not let be, I removed them firmly and sent them back onto the steel wire fence

This is the other bio fence plant.  Such lovely glossy leaves and white stars for flowers.

The fig tree was fruiting and the wasps were zitting around.

All was well with the world, it seemed, as my heart felt lighter.

Carnelian Day 3 - Rani ki Wow it was

 23rd Feb 2025 - Patan Continued from here.   Once again, we needed to check out by 8am and head for breakfast.  We were ready early and dec...