Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Red-vented bulbuls

A non-descript looking light. What's it doing in a nature blog you think. Well, it seemed to have caught the fancy of red-vented bulbuls in Madras!
Here's what Geetha had to say:
"The bulbul has made a nest (for the fourth time in the same place) in the verandah my relative's house (in Karpagam
Gardens, Adyar) above a brass lampshade. It is seen feeding its three chicks with banyan figs and singapore cherries.
Apparently, the birds were very wary and shy at the time of the first nesting, but have become bolder with each new nesting tryout. At the moment, they are totally fearless and carry on their busy schedule irrespective of humans watching them at close quarters! Wonder whether it is the same pair or descendents of the original pair! At night, one of the parent birds sleeps in the nest along with the chicks. They are not disturbed when the lamp is switched on in the late evenings."

All the pictures courtesy Geetha and Jaikumar.


  1. Full Marks to the bulbuls for staying put when the light is switched on, and to Geetha and Jaikumar for these great pix!

  2. The chicks remind me of young Vish when the ads came on the TV!

  3. I love to see the hatchlings open their mouths wide for the food to be put into their mouths by the parent. I see the same thing happening in a crow family which has conveniently built a nest quite close to my bedroom window.. and I can watch without disturbing them!

  4. Fantastic pictures - congratulations to the photographers!

    .....and the chamatthu nestlings snug in the nest, even when the lamp is turned on!

  5. amazing pictures, truly! I hope the birds nested in my house like that!

  6. LOL Sekar! That's so true!

    Sheila, take some pictures, and Lakshmi mayne you'll be in luck in the near future!

  7. Now my doubts clear--chirpy my robin was actually a "bulbul'..
    thank god my ignorance has been corrected thanks to you :) :)

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eBird -- India international centre -- 26 Jan 2025

India international centre 26 Jan 2025 5:48 PM Incidental All birds reported? No Comments: Morning was sunny and bright. Submitted fro...