Monday, April 12, 2010

The silly seed rhyme

Don’t moan about the heat
Stop looking at your feet
For up in the trees
Swaying in the breeze
Are seeds and flowers, a visual treat.
Peltophorum pterocarpum - copper pod
Wherever I look there are copper pods
Hanging from a Peltophorum that nods
Dropping yellow flowers to form a carpet
A sight that I can never forget.

Delonix regia - Gulmohar

Look, over there is the Gulmo-har
Without its red flowers does it look below par?
Those brown seed pods, almost two-feet long
Do not induce a song
But did you know, they come from Madagascar?

Silk Cotton

That silk-cotton tree is completely leaf-less
But oh no, it is definitely not life-less!
See those fat pods just waiting to burst
To every corner seeds dispersed
And into your pillow the cotton may progress!

Mango flowers

Mango trees have flowered
And so we may be showered
With fruits so sweet in the month of May
Oh yes, hip hip hurray!

Neem flowers

Was there ever a tree so supreme
Like Azadirachta indica, aka Neem?
Its resistant to drought
And carries much clout
Used in so many potions and creams!

Tabebuia pod
Tabebuia trees in Madras abound
The purple trumpet flowers everywhere are found
But I found the seeds, and they are dehiscent,
Opening to release their contents!

As the temperature rises
I know there are more surprises
So keep your eyes open,
Ladies and gentlemen
As the trees put on more guises.


  1. Good one Mrs.Ambika though some of the rhymes are a bit corny!! =D

  2. Great one! didnt know u were a poet too!

  3. Nice!

    Didn't know that the gulmohur was from Madagascar.

    Keep them rhymes coming!

  4. Not corny Jonathon...just seedy.
    Rhymer, Anu, not poet!
    Neither did I Kamini.

  5. Lovely, I love summer. Now I know why.

  6. One about neem is my fav.
    Hope you too celebrated the New Year like we did over here. I saw how warm it was there from the IPL match yesterday.

  7. Yes Avdi, we are all fans of the summer!

    Amila, that i probably the beter verse...some of the other rhymes are a bit iffy!!!

    Yup, the temperature is the Chennais Super King's secret weapon...though it didn't help much for the match against Delhi! Which team are you supporting?!

  8. Hi flowergirl,
    I didn't have a favourite team as such, but supported any team that played better cricket one the day - in a Fission-Fusion System like teh Chimps. BTW, I prophesied that Chennai Superkings will win IPL 3 many moons ago and I am glad it came through. It was all based on the enormous luck MS brings in to the equation! I mentioned this to some visiting TN birders that I met over here and they naturally were quite happy. Take it from me, MS is one lucky Dude!.


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