Monday, August 23, 2010


Skyblue clustervine
August rains, unusual but welcome. It was a wet weekend in Hyderabad and a wetter week that followed in Madras. The papers are full of gripes - bad roads, potholes, overflowing drains, Stadia roofs leaking....Man's woes.

But I look around and I see that every other non-human creature around me is celebrating! The dust and pollution has been washed off the leaves, the cactii greeted the rain with more flowers, I heard the croaking of frogs after aeons, and the morning skies were oh so blue.

So here's my photo offering to that wonderful season of monsoon.

There was torrential rain one night, accompanied by all the sound and light effects that go with a thundershower.

I woke up in the morning to the call of sunbirds, koels and mynahs. This was in Shameerpet, near Hyderabad at a place called Celebrity Resorts.

I also awoke later than I would've liked, thanks to hysterical friends who insisted on hearing strange knockings and feeling imaginary rats crawling up their sheets, in the night!

All were much relieved to see daylight, reassured that all was well with the world, and the sun streaming through the trees was most welcome.

This butterfly (that I thought was a Common Crow) in the rain tree was blissfully unaware of all this nightly drama, as it went about its butterfly day briskly and flightily. As Amila pointed out, its actually a Great Eggfly! Take a look at both the links and this picture and you'll see that there are differences in the way the dots are aligned on the wing tips! Thank you Amila!

A female garden lizard basked in the grass, and obligingly held her pose for me. Some metres away, grown men were yelling like boys as they played a tennis ball cricket match as if their life depended on it.

As I explored the rear garden of our cottage, I saw these wasps hard at work. Are those white dots in the middle of the hexagons their eggs, I wondered.

The rains, I assumed, had led to hatching of hordes of these millipede-like arthopods all over the campus.

They just lay there in clumps, crawling all over each other and moving collectively across the fields. Hundred had been squished under car tyres, and it was not a very pleasant sight I tell you.

I have never seen them in clumps like this, and I wondered what they were. Anyone knows?

The bird life at the resort was amazing. The grounds are vast and wild, and I only hope it remains that way - wild I mean. It would be a pity if the grounds are landscaped.

Not wanting to miss out on the company of friends, and unable to convince them to walk with me in the middday sun, I went for an hour's meander, and did regret not having more time.

There were doves, scaly-breasted munias, mynahs, jungle babblers, bee eaters and sunbirds by the dozens. Red-vented bulbuls called out from everywhere, and I heard coucals and even peacocks!

Strangely, I did not hear a single barbet nor did I hear tree pies. I heard orioles and I caught a flash of scarlet - could it have been a minivet?
Scaly-breasted munias

They were all over the resort, and a first-time for me! I love the stout bills of the munias.
They were a gregarious lot, and I saw flocks like this on trees and in the tall grass. My most memorable moment was coming upon a group of them having a bath in the rain puddle. I delighted in their pleasure, as they whirred around and flew up and down from the nearby shrubs, the whirr of their wings so loud in the quietness.

This one looked busy picking at all the seeds in the grass heads. Everytime a munia landed on a grass, it would bend over with the weight, but they hung on...yoyoing up and down!

So entranced was I with the munias that I almost missed this purple sunbird that came and perched right over my head!

Back in Madras, and the rains continued. A wet Kingfisher sat on the Millingtonia outside my window, waiting for its wings to dry.

The rains also brought a large number of damselflies to my balcony. Strange, delicate creatures and I watched them flit from plant to plant, with their slender bodies bending, almost to form a circle.

I thought this one is a Golden dartlet. Amila says (see comment below) that its probably an Agriocnemis. Hmmm.

I used the Macro setting in my Panasoic Lumix digicam. Not bad, huh?

As I watched the dartlet, I was startled by this grasshoppper that whirred in front of my face, and landed on the leaf ahead. We eyeballed each other for a while, before it took off again for the next plant.

A crow called excitedly overhead, and I wondered if this grasshoppper was going to be lunch. It didn't. It came indoors that evening, and explored our apartment at leisure. It has a strange mannerism of using the foreleg to clean its antenna, and I must say it was more entertaining to watch than the cricket on the telly.

(By the way, I am sick of the over commercialism, greed and ridiculous marketing that is happening through the cricket telecast...impossible to watch.)

Tigers & butterflies

Arun was in Tadoba, for a weekend trip, along with his camera.

He writes:, "The forest was unbelieveably brilliant green , with the rain everyday . The rivers and streams were a raging torrent and a number of 'roads'/paths were underwater. Very often we would have to turn back and look for another place to cross. Sometimes the passage would be one-way(the water level having risen by the time we returned). Birdwatching was limited , notable being Monarch flycatcher sitting in its nest in full view at a height of about 15 feet. And a number of Streak-throated swallows."

I enjoyed being there, via these lovely pictures. Enjoy!

Two endangered creatures - the loris and the grizzled squirrel

Mr Ramanan was at Ayyalur and Srivilliputhur recently and made a determined and successful search for the slender loris and the grizzled squirrel.

The Loris tardigradus malabaricus is a species of loris confined to India and mainly found in the south-eastern Ghats. Loris are nocturnal primates, that are quite small, with slender arms and legs but huge saucer-like eyes!

Mr Ramanan's pictures and account (which follow below), intrigued me to learn some more about this strange creature. The loris is arboreal (lives in trees) and has an insectivrous diet, for the most part. I read about their strange habit of urine washing and their fondness for bad-smelling insects!

They are on the endangered list, threatened by habitat destruction as also poaching. If you want to read more about all the ghastly uses their body parts are hunted for, please read Slender Loris Gasps For Survival As Urban India Expands

The Grizzled Gaint Squirrel - Ratufa macroura - is in the near threatened category. This member of the rodent family is under threat due to being seen as a pest by farmers. Supposedly, these squirrels love fruit, and the farmers are not amused or do not take kindly to the ravaging of jackfruit, mango and tamarind trees!

The Wildlife Trust of India is working among the Srivilliputhur farmers to protect these squirrels and come up with solutions to reduce crop damage. Mr Arumugham, a WTI conservationist, is quoted in this article as saying, “The squirrels do cause losses to the farmers. However, these losses can be reduced by simple understanding of the squirrel behaviour. For example, when a squirrel feeds on a jackfruit, say, it will continue to feed on the same fruit if not removed. Only if the farmers pluck out the damaged fruit, the squirrels move on to a new fruit,”

Here is Mr Ramanan's pictures and report!

"On the 7th of August, 2010 after attending my fathers’ anniversary at Gandhigram, we proceeded to Ayyalur with Mr.Ramdass of Gandhigram who has done a project on medicinal plants of that range. (Ayyaluru is on the way to Trichy from Dindigul on
NH45. It is exactly 30KM from Dindigul.The Forest Range Office is very close to the railway station and that is the entry point for Ayyaluru Range. FromChennai it is about 420KM). Many of our MNS members are familiar with Gandhigram for various activities as well as the first BIRD FAIR which was organized at the Deemed University of Gandhigram.

"We were well received by the Forest Range Office of Ayyalur as both Gandhigram and Forest Department have combined together and done a lot of welfare projects for the villagers living there. From the Range office we proceeded to a place called Ayyanarkoil Palathottam. The Ayyalur range has a lot of hillocks. For sighting of Slender Loris we were advised to trek the Beerangi Karadu hill which is also the foot of Ayyanarkoil. The name of the hill is derived because the British had used this hilltop to attack the Tippu Sultan palace of Dindigul with beerangi[cannons] and the remains of it are still seen at the top of the hill, as was narrated to us by the villagers

"As we trekked, I was at home with the terrain that resembled the open thorny, euphorbia scrub forest of our Nannmangalam forest, but without the quarry with water body. Half way up the hillock with the assistance of a local boy Ganesan at 5.40PM we sighted a wild slender loris on a neem tree. But on seeing us it used the neem leaves as a cover and moved away to an unreachable branch in no time and afterwards it was not sighted again.

After scanning and searching for more than an hour in the hill, the local boy took us to the foot of the hill and nearer to the villagers where bananas, coconut and other crops were seen. Nearer to this place at 6.40 PM, a pair and one with infant were sighted,

And at 7.00PM another boy had located the fourth loris rolled like tennis ball fast asleep! On hearing us she also woke up along with her infant. By this time it had become dark even with torchlight we couldn’t locate any of them till 8.30PM, but we heard a number of calls of them from various directions. So we had seen a total of four with two infants in a radius of a kilometer which is good as far as sighting of wild slender loris goes!

"The next day I proceeded to Srivilliputhur for sighting of "white squirrel" as termed by the locals of that place for grizzled giant squirrel. With the help of local SBI staff Mr. Mani we proceeded to Shenbaga thoppu where Pechiamman Koil is situated. Mr. Mani has very great trekking experiences of that place and even trekked to Mudaliaroothu on many occasions. We MNS under the leadership of our beloved Mr. Rajan, the then secretary also trekked and had a nature camp in those days at Mudaliaroothu. As we have seen this squirrel near a stream while on one of the nature camp of MNS in Chinnar, we tried our luck in a stream behind the temple. On the other side of the stream in huge original shola trees surrounded with wild mango trees we sighted three of them playing in the top branches.

In and around the stream there was a lot of elephant’s dung, so we didn’t venture further inside. While standing underneath a tall tree we were hit on our heads continusly with nuts. On looking up the tree was full of jamun fruits and along with the three striped squirrels, two grizzled squirrels were also feeding on these fruits. And whenever the devotees of the temple came there to collect water the grizzled squirrels froze behind the big branches and disappeared for some time until silence returned to the place. We waited patiently for more than three hours and finally they cooperated with us and literally posed for us to photograph them.

Ayyalur is a really fantastic place not only for slender loris but for other animals also present there.The Sand boa snake which is now smuggled out of our country is from this range only. There are so many more wonders, and I can go on an on!"

Thursday, August 19, 2010


The Hindu : Tamil Nadu / Chennai News : Night traffic banned on two roads

Chennai: The Nilgiris district Collector has banned vehicular traffic on the Thalaikundah – Theppakadu Road (via) Kallatty and the Thorapalli – Theppakkadu – Kakanallah Road (NH67) from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m.

In a notification in the Nilgiris District Gazette, Collector Archana Patnaik has said that the restrictions have been imposed in the interest of public safety and to protect wildlife and preserve its peaceful habitat.

The Karnataka government has banned vehicular traffic through the Bandipur wildlife sanctuary in the night. Wildlife activists have been demanding a similar move by the Nilgiris administration to protect wildlife in the adjoining Mudumalai tiger reserve.

Advocate M. Santhanaraman filed a writ petition in the Madras High Court seeking directions to the Forest Department and the Nilgiris district administration to ban vehicular traffic between 9 p.m. and 6 a.m. last August. The then Chief Justice H.L. Gokhale had asked him to give a representation to the authorities concerned, expecting the government to take appropriate decision, keeping in mind various laws in existence for protection of wildlife.

Nearly a year later, the Nilgiris Collector, who is also the regional transport authority, has banned night traffic on these roads traversing the Mudumalai tiger reserve.

Emergency vehicles such as ambulances are exempted from the restriction. According to the notification, trucks carrying produce of farmers could ply on the above routes only with prior permission from the Collector.

Forest officials said movement of vehicles through the Mudumalai tiger reserve had come down in the night after the ban imposed by Karnataka. Now, forest rangers in Mudumalai and the Nilgiris North division had been instructed to impose the ban strictly. Earlier, vehicles were allowed to park near the check-post inside the Mudumalai reserve. This had also been checked now, senior forest officials said.

“A recent study revealed that there were 91 road kills in 71 days early this year. The ban on vehicular movement on these roads will reduce man-animal conflict and pressure on wildlife, especially when the tiger population is encouraging in Mudumalai,” said S. Jayachandran, secretary, Nilgiri Wildlife and Environment Association.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

An industrious spider works overnight

Overnight, over the parapet wall of my balcony, a spider was at work.
From building this large web, it obviously did not shirk.

The morning sun glinted off the web, so magical
Its silken threads making me wax so lyrical.
I wondered about the spinneret glands under its belly
That helped make this work of art, that should be on telly.

Different glands, different types of silk made,
From one, a safety line is trailed,
another, sticky silk to trap its prey
a third, stronger silk, for wrapping it may.

So much energy does the spider expend
all to feed itself, in the end.
All the work and it lasted not a day
The rain came that evening and washed it all away.

Whatever became of it, I sit and wonder
As I listen to the intermittent thunder.

Another day, another web
So does life flow and ebb.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Of bulldozers, hospitals and cycles

I had wondered if the Corporation taking over the PWD park was good news or bad news. Sadly, our fears were not unfounded. One morning, on her usual visit Shobha was shocked and distraught to find that a bulldozer had been at work at night, and in the process of widening the road had destroyed the surrounding fence, and uprooted some of the surrounding trees.

They were about to begin levelling work inside the park, and Shobha intervened in the nick of time, putting a halt to their activity, calling up various Corporation officials and citizens of Kotturpuram. The reason for the alarm is that there are so many saplings planted in close proximity, and it it is not feasible for a bulldozer to work there, without destroying the saplings.

It is difficult to explain to a third person the amount of time, energy and care that has gone into this park, getting rare native trees, with children planting and taking care. Why, even the Mayor has planted a tree here! With Shobha's and Mr Dattatri's dogged efforts, the Asst Commissioner has promised to go about the park development in a sensitive manner! My hats off to you Shobha!

Then, there was this report a fortnight ago that had the naturalists community of the city up in arms. The Governor, in his moment of largesse, announced that he would give away four acres of the Raj Bhavan land to develop a hospital. I have no problem in a hospital being developed, but does it have to be in Raj Bhavan land, which is actually forest land? Yesterday's TOI, highlighted the issue Forest under seige

Forest under seige
Shalini Umachandran, TNN, Aug 3, 2010, 12.48am IST
CHENNAI: Wood apple trees form a canopy over the mud trail leading through the forest, the chirruping of crickets fill the air, butterflies flit to and fro, and an ashy drongo sweeps across and settles onto a branch. It's hard to believe that the busy Sardar Patel Road is just a 10-minute walk away. It's noon at Guindy National Park (GNP) and not the best time to spot creatures but there's still so much to see.

A recent announcement, however, holds the threat of disrupting this rich natural habitat, widely described as the only national park within the confines of a city. Earlier this month, Tamil Nadu Dr MGR Medical University vice-chancellor Mayilvahanan Natarajan said the governor had given in-principle approval for allocating four acres within the Raj Bhavan campus to the university for setting up a 500-bed hospital.

"GNP is the among the last remnants of the tropical dry evergreen forest, unique to the east coast of India," says D Narasimhan, botany professor, Madras Christian College. "Very small patches of this type of forest still exist in Tamil Nadu, which is why GNP, a well-protected fragment, is ecologically important." The forest is home to over 130 species of birds, 350 species of plants, 60 kinds of butterflies, and many animals, including the endangered black buck. "The forest itself is an endangered type. Naturally, all the creatures and plants within it are endangered," he adds.

Naturalists and conservationists say a hospital on the Raj Bhavan premises, which is contiguous with GNP without even a fence separating the two, would be disas-trous for the habitat. "A hospital would mean light, noise, garbage, pollution and diseases," says wildlife filmmaker and conservationist Shekar Dattatri. "It will also draw a huge amount of groundwater which is needed for the animals."

Wildlife warden Karunapriya says GNP faces a water problem during summer and that they have plans to improve rainwater harvesting. "We only have two ponds that provide water for the whole park," she says.

Dr V Santharam, director, Institute of Bird Studies & Natural History, Rishi Valley Education Centre, says a number of ground-dwelling birds that were seen about 15 years ago have disappeared. "Even the slightest change in the forest can affect species," he says. "A hospital will bring more human presence and that will be disruptive. Surely it can be built elsewhere."

The Raj Bhavan grounds still have reserved forest status. "Technically, they should consult us before they undertake any construction," say forest department sources. "But as there is no real threat to the animals from their activities, we do not interfere."

Repeated efforts were made to get in touch with Raj Bhavan authorities but no response was forthcoming. Tamil Nadu Dr MGR Medical University's Dr Mayilvahanan says, "The viability of the project is being worked out and the details could be finalised in the next two months."

Wildlife warden Karunapriya says blackbuck often wander into the Raj Bhavan polo ground and the population there is included in the GNP animal census. "We have a healthy population of blackbuck and spotted deer across the two areas," she says.

GNP, Raj Bhavan, most of IIT, Cancer Institute and the memorials were originally a game reserve owned by British citizen Gilbert Rodericks who died in 1817. The East India Company bought the property in 1821 as a weekend retreat for the gov-ernor. In 1947, when India became independent, Guindy Lodge, as it was known, became Raj Bhavan. In 1958, about 600 acres of the grounds was handed over to the forest department, and in 1977 it received the status of a national park, accord-ing to S Muthiah's book The Raj Bhavans of Tamil Nadu'. By then, however, the original extent of the park had shrunk as large portions of land had been parcelled out Mahatma Gandhi memorial (1954, 9.25 acres); Cancer Institute (1954, 9 acres); Rajaji memorial (1974, 2.5 acres) and Kamaraj memorial (1975, 6 acres). IIT-M and Guru Nanak Educational Society also got land. Today, the national park has shrunk to 2.7 sq km.

"Despite the limited land, the forest and its population is stable," says Kumaran Sathasivam, an avid bird watcher and editor of Blackbuck, Madras Naturalists' Society's journal. "But further fragmentation would add new pressure. Raj Bhavan extends to the doorstep of the forest. It is important to keep Raj Bhavan whole to keep the forest safe."

At the heart of these issue I guess is the manner of "development". Why is the government concentrating efforts on this kind of development, though, when what the city needs is better public transport - that all connects to each other - safety of pedestrians and cyclists? If one is pro-common man, you would think this is where their energies would be directed, but no, they want to build, build and build, without spending on or planning maintenance.

Just as I wondered about this, I came across Chennai City Connect. There are plans afoot for a cycle track in Anna Nagar, redesigning the MTC website, and much more! I am going to be keeping tabs on that site!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Manual or Auto mode?

I love taking photographs, ever since digital technology and the wonderful auto mode became popular. I do not have the patience to do what most proper photographers (including my husband) enjoy doing - setting aperture, exposure and all those myriad settings before taking a picture.

Yes, I love to point and shoot. My husband did make some weak efforts to convert me into a proper photographer, but all that ended up happening is that I've made him lazy too!! And yes, I definitely do not want to carry those large gun-like lenses, like many of my young MNS friends, like Sripad and Skandan do.

So I still do not know why I signed up for the Basic Photography workshop that Dr TP Alaganantham offered through MNS. I think some of it was to do with demystifying the whole process and understanding what the camera was actually doing when I pressed that button.

What an enjoyable weekend it was! First of all, its so uplifting to interact with people like Dr TPA, a surgeon by profession, but whose passion for photography has led to much tinkering and self discovery, and the interest to communicate to others like me.

Elbows close to the body brings greater stability...hmmm, I had not thought of that. I now am aware of specular reflection, catch light, spot metering, white balance, CCD and CMOS, depth of field, ghost shadows and the reasons for red eye! A great tip for me was the suggestion to use flash in daylight to counter the effects of backlit people - I always seem to be having this problem.

For me, the most interesting part of the weekend, were the sessions related to composition and framing. The rule of thirds and the Golden Ratio and the Fibonacci spiral. My Ikebana training immediately identified with this asymmetric sense of aesthetics.

So am I likely to move out of auto-focus? Unlikely. But there may be 10 reasons to turn off that auto-focus. And now I know what to attempt to do, when my Ikebana arrangements develop ghost shadows, when those mid-day photos look all washed out and when there is low light at dusk.

Monday, August 2, 2010


I wonder if this is a Huntsman Spider. Those large, hairy spiders that are relatively harmless, but can give you quite a fright when they come scurrying out of a corner.

This one was in my parents' home, in the garden cupboard.

Spiders !!! - a set on Flickr - for different spidey types.

Waders on OMR

Dunlin - Photo by Skandan

Skandan wrote in -

"31st July 2010 we were on our regular birding ride and spotted atleast 15 different waders on OMR. Most of them still holding their *Breeding Plumage*. It was very very surprising to see most them at this time of the year."

Carnelian Day 3 - Rani ki Wow it was

 23rd Feb 2025 - Patan Continued from here.   Once again, we needed to check out by 8am and head for breakfast.  We were ready early and dec...