Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Composting dairy - Compost at last?

Began in September 2011, and finally I harvested some compost!  I think I have the hang of it now, how wet it needs to be and how much to fuss over it, etc etc.

But I wonder if it has to break down further than this?  It has stayed at this level for the past few weeks, and I am wary of making it moist at this stage for fear of causing it to rot.

I've added it to my potted plants, and will keep an eye to see which ones flourish and which don't.  Fellow blogger, Anita Kumar, warned me that depending on what went into the compost, plants take to it differently.

So I have just put a bit in various pots and shall keep an eye on them.

My kambha comes from Daily Dump, and they put out this little educational video recently.


  1. Nice dark compost but it could probably be sieved? I wonder if you checked the "harvesting" page on the dailydump site.
    Dailydump had earlier given a test for compost maturity, which doesn't seem to show up now. Basically the gist of the test was: Put some compost in a small bottle. Add enough water to it and close the bottle. After a few days open the bottle. If it stinks, then the compost isn't ready else it is.
    BTW, pls don't add compost to mint. They don't take to it.
    Happy Composting.

  2. Good video on composting. A friend of mine in Singapore promotes composting kitchen waste here.

  3. Hi I am based in Singapore. Can u help advise how I can get hold of these lovely Kambha pots. Pls email me at


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