Thursday, July 4, 2019

Discovering Harlem Meer

My first glimpse - Meer is Dutch for "lake"
Walking down 5th Avenue at Harlem, NY
Birdsong all around.  A cheerful start to my Sunday.

Am American Robin stopped and stared.  I was the visitor, distracting it from breakfast, which was in plenty on the meadow floor.

It seemed to want to give me a tour of the lake.

Nutter's battery?!  Hmmm.  I saw a pile of stone, didn't pay much attention.  Turns out it was part of some fortifications from a few centuries ago.
The park was bathed in sunshine, and the air was filled with darting and chirping house sparrows.  All those theories floating around in Chennai about cellphone towers are unfounded for sure.   

A Canada Goose sunned itself along with some Mallard

The city keeps a respectful distance.  The Central Park boundaries are sacrosanct.  No encroachments, non-negotiable.

Any number of spots would make for a good painting.

A Gray Catbird seemed to want to give me the once over.  Fixing me with its gaze.

I will be back I'm sure

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