Saturday, September 9, 2023

Shore walks diary -

Morning walks on 6th, 7th and 8th September 2023 - low tide

Blogger has decided to jumble up the order of the photos, and it really doesnt matter, so 

let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be - I sing, and carry on.

Clean sands near the tide line and no debris of shells at the high tide line.  6th was cloudy and 7th, 8th were sunny.

Virgin Murex shell in solitary splendour

A massive razor clam piece

Vast exposed wet sands at low tide...and less human debris - made for a surprise delight.  

The sands were free of the washed up shells that I usually each comb through on low tide mornings.

The tideline had no shell debris to speak of.

Contrasted to July 2023 - the tideline was like this.

Possibly some long shore current has changed direction?

The bird most adapted to the human "footprint" - the crow -was picking off a net collecting wire and string for nesting material possibly.

There were a few Sunset siliqua shells here and there.

The manner of this shell's presence in solitary splendour gave me the feeling it was possibly dropped by someone.

Near the Valmiki Nagar thickets, the coccinia (kovakai)is flowering.

A mole crab was a surprise discovery.

A house sparrow flitted down to the road near sparrow point.  Long time no see.

This emerald treasure - scarab beetle - beauty lay, quite dead sadly, on the road near the beach.

While the painted grasshopper was on the milkweed, looking well painted and toxic.

A dog was catching up on sleep, (the beach has more than a dozen) in a lovely little burrow he/she had excavated for him or herself.

Water bubbles glinted in the sun, and ghost crabs scuttled around.

The crabs were shy, but I got a good look with my binoculars.

I discovered that this is a variety of hibiscus - Wineleaf Hibiscus - growing wild by the roadside.

I wondered if this was a mangrove root..a Barringtonia from somewhere?

Until next time...


  1. The pristine sand and the shells, matched with words well, enjoyed the beach through you.

  2. How lovely is this beach blog

  3. How different the beach was this week.


eBird -- India international centre -- 26 Jan 2025

India international centre 26 Jan 2025 5:48 PM Incidental All birds reported? No Comments: Morning was sunny and bright. Submitted fro...