Saturday, March 23, 2024

Andaman Day 4: Dhaninullah morning in verse

Feb 13th 2024

Long-tailed parakeets looked red-faced and angry
The Pigeons plump meditating serenely 
The sunrise just gorgeous
Mexican sunflowers enormous
So began our morning, early and sleepy.
530 am and the sun was already creating its special effects.

Long-tailed Parakeet (Psittacula longicauda)- we dont find them in the Indian subcontinent.  

The Green Imperial Pigeons and the Andaman Green-Pigeon sharing perches on a Winged Boot Tree - Pterocymbium tinctorium.   and is that a Minivet as well?

Rangat Dhani Nullah did we go
What we would see I did not know
Along the coast, 
I made the most
And will narrate this blow by blow.

In Sundarbans we walked at Dobanki
Tigers around, so no hanky panki
Garjan, Khalsi, Avicennia
Peyara Bain, trees of Kankra
Mudskippers, kingfishers!  Oh so grandee!

Wandered in Wandoor, in the grey mud squelching
But here on dry boards, happily airily mangroving
I did malinger
The roots were a zinger
We birders - the Ruddy KF were seeking, searching.

Click here for Sundarbans Dobanki Walk pictures

At the other end of the walk was the beach 

Which I did eventually somehow reach

And what a surprise - a hatchery!

Leatherbacks, greens, Ridleys  in batcheries

The FD workers quietly dedicated to each.

The ruddy kingfisher (Halcyon coromanda) 

After breakfast, Ruddy showed up!

And magically, all the bazookas lined up, 

Rusty beauty, oh so quiet

Sturdy bill,  bright red riot

And did I enjoy that? yup yup, yup!

The mangroves teemed with life
The squelchy mud filled with action and strife
Fiddler, shore and marsh crab galore
Mudskippers and frogs - camouflage they wore
A little spider in the web of his much larger wife. 

A whole family of Chestnut headed bee eaters
Such a cheerful, flamboyant bunch of treaters 
Swooping, chattering, twittering 
Swinging, singing, familial bonding
Mine was the privilege to meet these hims and hers. 

Black-Naped tern at the jetty,  What a beauty!

And then we went off to the Rangat fishing jetty
Where soon we were all very hot and sweaty
The terns were many
But crocs, Phew, no not any!

Mishti - the Bengali hotel

Anandi - south Indian meals.  it was a good choice.  Mrs Anandi ran the place, her mother helped with serving and baby care, her husband ran the grocery store across the aisle.  The restaurant was in the aisle.  The sambar was sambar, there was fish curry, Desigan got us buttermilk too

Cooled off, back to Eden’s Garden’s splendour

Lunch?  Some of us refused the Bengali pretender!

We took to our heels

Went to Anandi Meals

And emerged feeling definitely contenter!


  1. I've been reading your blog off an on for the last 15 years and it continues to be a source of joy and comfort! thank you for continuing to blog !

  2. Thank you AK. It has been years! We used to read each other's bogs all those years ago. Blogging seems to have faded these days. I keep at it.


eBird -- India international centre -- 26 Jan 2025

India international centre 26 Jan 2025 5:48 PM Incidental All birds reported? No Comments: Morning was sunny and bright. Submitted fro...