Thursday, April 17, 2008

While I was away....

it looks like my husband was busy with the birds (thankfully the feathered kind!), and caught our daily visitor in fine form.

(To really enjoy these lovely photos, please click on them and see them full-size.)

Now, I am quite convinced that he's the same chap whom I wrote about here. He knows us so well, that he doesn't budge even if we eyeball him. Should probably take to modelling. Look at the fine pose he has struck, and since he didnt fidget this time, these picture came out really sharp.

He obviously spends a good deal of time on his daily toilette. Notice how all the white on his chest is really white. I mean he does this without soap or detergent! They look so soft and downy as well. All the brown feathers are groomed and not one is out of place. And then on his head, look at the lovely grey streak all the way to the back.

He stops on the ramp, then turns around and allows us to see his tail as well! And all the while he goes chirrup, chirrup, and looks at us impatiently. Should name him... What though? ... Sparky... Perky.... Chirpy... Cheeky... Ginger...


  1. What a beauty! As you said, luckily he (?) is of the feathered variety. Great photos.

  2. A beautiful photo! sparrows really have character. once there were 3 occupied nests in my home in Thane. But now they don't come in because of the new sliding windows. back then, the female sparrows used to stay up and feed the chicks till we put off the lights. mr sparrow used to come early to wake them with a diff type of soft cheeping call. very tender n quaint.


A bloomin' good time