Monday, November 17, 2008

The Arte Y Pico award

Early November, I received an "award".  Yes, yes strange things do happen in this world!  Here, I was rambling away, and I get an award for creativity and art!!

Raji ruled that she would bestow me with the Arte Y Pico award.  Thank you Raji!  

Like any good award winner, I shall now proceed to thank my friends, "fans" and of course my family!!  

Much of the content on this blog revolves around the photos taken by my husband, as well as some spectacular ones by Mr Ramanan, so my sincere thanks to them.  To my son for being the most critical reader of this blog, and for whom I actually started jotting down these ramblings.  And to Kamini, my most encouraging reader, who always has something nice, positive and relevant to say about my posts.

To MNS for introducing me to some great people, opening my eyes to the wonders of Nature, and bringing a joie de vivre and camaraderie to our outings!

Here are the Arte Y Pico Award rules :
  1. You have to pick 5 blogs that you consider deserve this award through creativity, design, interesting material, and also contributes to the blogger community, no matter of language.
  2. Each award should have the name of the author with a link to their blog.
  3. Award winners have to post the award with the name and link to the blog of the person who gave them the award.
  4. Please include a link to the “Arte Y Pico” blog so that everyone will know where the award came from.

So now I have this most enjoyable job of passing on this award, so here goes:

Kamini, whose Tales of South India, are so wonderfully imaginative, heartwarming and gripping.
Maiji, who recounts her Memories of Life in Pondicherry with such clarity, affection and humour
Amila Salgado, from across the Palk Straits for such great photos of the little creatures that we tend to ignore at Gallicissa
Keith Stanley whose creative and beautiful Ikebana I can look at over and over again, at the Sogetsu Atelier
Jyotsna for her World of Words, recounting and sharing the special joys that her child brings to her.


  1. Congratulations flowergirl!
    Oh! I thought you are single...
    Perhaps the 'girl' part of your nom de plume fooled me!

  2. Thanks also for the award!
    I am sorry I missed that!

  3. (Blush, cough) thanks a lot! I mean every nice thing I say. Thanks so much for your warm words!

  4. Gallicissa, have me thinking now. Maybe I should have been "flowerlady"....wonder what Dr Freud would have to say about my name choice?!

    And to you Maiji and Kamini, you all definitely deserve it more than I do!!

  5. Flowergirl sounds cute.
    So, please do not change it on account of my comment!

    I have a question: What is the Tamil name for dragonfly? The Sinhalese name is Koora (stick) and Bath Koora (Rice stick -- after the one used for stirring rice after cooking).

  6. Gallicissa, I think its "thattara poochi", though locals also say "thumbi". Koora is a nice name.

    David, thank you!

  7. Thanks flowergirl. Thumbi is easy to remember!

  8. thanks for the award..sorry i havent been on the blog circuit but promise to get down to tagging/passing it on as soon as D's surgery is done with..
    thks again and stay well


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India international centre 26 Jan 2025 5:48 PM Incidental All birds reported? No Comments: Morning was sunny and bright. Submitted fro...