Saturday, September 24, 2011

Semmozhi, again

More Semmozhi trees here.
Markhamia Lutea - 
The "throat" of the flower is deeper colour as against yellow cordia, which is yellow throughout.
Terminalia bellerica - one of the "triphala" trees.  There are lights strung around this tree....not good. 

Schleichera oleosa - Ceylon lac tree - kasumbh in Hindi, a rare tree.  

I need to go back to collect some fruit and seed.
An amazing, magnificent, huge tree.  Is it a mimusops/maghizam?  The canopy was so high, we couldn't check for flowers or fruit!

 There were a few saplings like this, which was identified as Buddha coconut by Arun.  Pterygota alata, it has lovely flowers, and a fruit that looks like a coconut!  Its a medium-sized tree, and can be used to line avenues.
 Another sapling - Milettia ovalifolia - shisham, a variety of rosewood with clusters of pink flowers.
A lovely large red sanders, endemic to our region, valued for the wood, and protected as well.

It had a lovely blue vine along its trunk, so if you visit the park, that is a good way to know you are at the red sanders!

Another large magnificent tree.


eBird -- India international centre -- 26 Jan 2025

India international centre 26 Jan 2025 5:48 PM Incidental All birds reported? No Comments: Morning was sunny and bright. Submitted fro...