Sunday, January 1, 2012

Siruthavoor, for the first time

I added these three species to my life list, in the first fortnight of December -
Rufous-tailed Lark
Black-headed munia
Oriental Skylark
At Siruthavoor.

A necklace of terns - gull billed?

Bee eater enjoying breakfast

Find the Oriental Skylark

Rufous-tailed lark?

Barn swallow.  Not the streak-throated swallow, sighted here just the previous week.

Do some bird watching, and tell me how many species you see.

The munias


  1. I could find the bird.
    I could spot 7!
    The necklace is pretty sir.

  2. Good one.. I too was there last week..
    Check this out..

  3. Vetrimagal, thanks for stopping by, and 7 is a very good no. I see only 6! a kingfisher, two redshanks, a sandpiper and 2 pond herons. Which is your 7th?

    Trails of a traveler, maybe our paths crossed?! Thanks for the link.


A bloomin' good time